A record number of sponsors, attendees, and dollars raised for Mitchell Scholars and Maine’s future. Thank you for making Gala 2024 spectacular in every way!

Mark your calendar for Gala 2025 on Friday, Sept. 26!
We are deeply grateful for the record number of sponsors and attendees who joined us at Gala 2024 to celebrate Mitchell Scholars and support our mission to increase the likelihood that young people from every community in Maine will aspire to, pursue, and achieve a college education. Thanks to our loyal and generous community of supporters who contributed more than $410,000 through Gala 2024, the Mitchell Institute can disrupt generational poverty for more Maine families, ensure that more hardworking young people in Maine have access to higher education, and provide communities statewide with a stronger and more educated workforce.
Click the photo collage below to to see our coverage of Gala 2024!
To learn more about Gala and explore our current levels of sponsorship, please visit the links below. If you have questions about the event, please contact Jared Cash, President and CEO of the Mitchell Institute, by email or phone: 207-358-7731.
The generosity of Gala attendees continues to fuel our plan to fund and provide wraparound supports for 200 Mitchell Scholars from every community in Maine each year. Thank you for continuing to make Mitchell Scholars and our mission a philanthropic priority.